Sunday, January 23, 2011

idea for a planet too close to its sun

how about a planet where only half of its surface was habitable!? the planet would have to have an orbit similar to our moon, only on side is visible. The planet would be so close that the side facing the planet would be to hot to support life, yet the other side holds the perfect conditions for life, but it holds a permanent night. on side would be a barren dessert and the other would support a vast/dark area teaming with wild life. lets ponder further, say the wild life evolved in a way similar to deep sea life. able to produces their own sources of light. what if the plant life developed the same ability (like for the Avatar movie).Only have a planet that could support life.


  1. Hm. That's pretty neat actually! There might be a place on the very opposite side from the sun where the stars are amazingly bright all the time; but no life lives because it's just too cold.

  2. Interesting thoughts man! Could be cool really! many problems I see though.

  3. o_____o How do you think of this?

  4. interesting thought. I think there would be some crazy wind conditions and stuffs, though. There really could be life anywhere

  5. whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. hold up just one goldarn second. are you telling me that the moon doesn't rotate on an axis? We always see the same side? Why have I never known this?
