Saturday, January 15, 2011

post numero cinco

QUESTION OF THE DAY!why are the physics the way the are?  say an object is traveling in one direction in frictionless space, newtons first law deems that it will continue to travel along a linear path until an outside force acts upon it. but what decided these laws? what if the laws were different? say instead of following a linear path, it followed a circular path until an outside force acts upon it?

heres another interesting thing to think about, humans are a carbon based life form, what if there was life forms on other planets with a different chemical base? a whole different chain of evolution! hold that thought for a sec, scientist usually look for life in places that will support us, different creatures here  on earth survive in different climates and its impossible for them to survive in others, for example penguins cant survive in the dessert. so why shouldn't it be like that up in the cosmos?

now combine the two ideas, what if there is life on an environmentally hostile planet, and has a different chemical base? what if there is a form of life living within our sun? we just deem it impossible because we wouldn't survive there. but look at it in another sense; if they were to look at the suns surounding planets searching for life they would probably deem it impossible saying "its too cold for our species to live there, there is no life". =] welcome to my imagination.


  1. yea, if the laws of physics was slightly altered in the tiniest way, everything would be completely different. if the forces between subatomic particles were slightly altered, our atoms wouldnt form as we know it. our whole period table would be changed. a whole new form of matter. pretty crazy.

    i also wonder why evolution hasnt discovered wheels! imagine animals with wheels instead of legs??

  2. I think i like physics the way it is.

  3. interesting blog, i definitely think there has to be life somewhere else in the universe, its just a matter of time

  4. i dont like physics the way it is. it should be changed

  5. physics are above me :)

    Great blog, following!

  6. I always hated physics in school.

  7. Cool blog, following.

    Don't forget to check and support(I support you!) often your local information hot-spot!

  8. Read "Saga of the Seven Suns" - it's a sci-fi series that explores some of these ideas.

    I think I'll follow this blog; it's interesting enough.

  9. good questions, but perhaps you should look for the answers in philosophy rather than physics (not that you'll find them there either) :P

    looking forward to more posts, keep on thinking. :)

  10. Ray Bradbury makes an interesting point about our concept of alien life forms in his book "The Sphere"

  11. Gravity... it's not just a good idea, its th LAW! followed. follow meh back dood!

  12. Pretty interesting ideas.

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  13. I has a headache.

  14. Very interesting post...
